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Catholic News Herald

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020618 valentinesWASHINGTON, D.C. — Many people looking at their February calendars are doing a double-take with Ash Wednesday falling on Feb. 14, Valentine's Day.

The two days, steeped in tradition, don't have too much in common beyond their religious roots. Valentine's Day, named after St. Valentine, a third-century martyr, is all about romance with its emphasis on cards, candy, flowers and nice dinners, where Ash Wednesday takes a more somber tone as the start of 40 days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving of Lent.

Ash Wednesday also is one of two days, along with Good Friday, that are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholic adults -- meaning no eating meat and eating only one full meal and two smaller meals. In other words, not a day for consuming candy hearts, chocolate cakes or fancy steak dinners.

And for those who wonder if Catholic bishops might grant a dispensation from the day's fasting requirements, as they sometimes have with the no meat rule when St. Patrick's Day falls on a Friday in Lent, they should probably think again.

Bishop Peter Jugis is not issuing a dispensation from the Ash Wednesday fast due to the Valentine’s Day holiday. He suggested that people celebrate Valentine’s Day the day before (Feb. 13 – Mardi Gras), or enjoy a nice fish dinner together on Valentine’s Day.

Researchers at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, or CARA, based at Georgetown University, point out that the two days will overlap again in 2029 and that in 2096, Ash Wednesday will occur on Leap Day – Feb.29 for the first time in the Church's history.

Despite the rarity of this year's Ash Wednesday date, an article on the CARA website notes that it is unlikely the U.S. bishops would give an Ash Wednesday dispensation as some of them have on St. Patrick's Day mainly because not much is known about St. Valentine. It points out that he is said to have been killed at the command of Emperor Claudius in the year 278 for marrying Christians at a time when the emperor was trying to recruit single men for the army.

Not only are there few details of the saint, there are also mixed accounts of possibly three different martyrs named Valentine that share a Feb. 14 feast day. The confusion and lack of details led the church to remove the liturgical feast of St. Valentine from the general church calendar in the late 1960s.

Instead, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, brothers known as the "Apostles of the Slavs" for their work in spreading the Gospel throughout Eastern Europe in the ninth century, have the Feb. 14 feast day spot on the church calendar, although this year their day is superseded by Ash Wednesday.

These brothers – who developed an alphabet and translated the bible and other works in a Slavic language – have just as much to say about love on a day when that is celebrated because of their emphasis on communication, which is so key to relationships, said Father Leo Patalinghug, who has a cooking show on the Eternal Word Television Network called "Savoring our Faith."

The priest, who knows a thing or two about making a good Lenten meal, and also writes and talks about couples keeping their relationships strong by celebrating with good meals once a month, sees no conflict in the Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day overlap. Instead, he views it as a great teaching moment.

"Love is not just sweets and chocolates," said the priest who wrote the 2012 cookbook: "Spicing Up Married Life" which includes recipes, prayers and conversation topics. "You can have chocolate cake anytime," he added.

As he sees it, the bigger lesson is to think about "going without and where that will lead you."

"So often people treat love like fast food when love – and all things of God – take time," he added.

He said this Valentine's Day couples have the "perfect day to start Lent and to have that discussion of what love means." And, they can also have a modest meal that is delicious.

Overall, it's "absolutely a win-win," he noted because couples can have a "Lent appropriate menu" essentially infused with the day's reminder "to know humbly we are from dust."

— Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service