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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

Timely tips for blending faith and life

Catholic All Week

Independence Day will soon be here, and it can be easy to let the festivities and fireworks distract us from pondering true freedom – the kind of freedom found in Christ. Jesus told us the truth will set us free (Jn 8:32), and logic leads us to follow Him as the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6).

Find freedom in healing

062124 CAW freedomAttaining true freedom is difficult when wounds keep us from knowing Jesus better. It’s hard to move past these pains when we don’t understand their nature and cause. In “Finding Freedom in Christ: Healing Life’s Hurts,” Dr. Matthew Breuninger lays out six steps to identify and remove barriers to God’s healing grace – freeing us to love God and others. Find this title at the St. Paul Center and major booksellers.

Find freedom in God's mercy

062124 CAW confessionPeace and freedom are often found in forgiving others and seeking forgiveness for our own failings. However, it can be hard to take that first step toward the confessional where Jesus waits for us. Discover the richness of this sacrament of healing in “7 Secrets of Confession,” in which author Vinny Flynn shows how confession offers a true encounter with Christ. If you’re still feeling reluctant, read St. Augustine’s spiritual autobiography “Confessions,” in which he recounts feeling that freedom meant doing whatever he wanted, then realizing that he had become a slave to his desires until he found freedom in Christ.

Find freedom in silence

062124 CAW mainThe cacophony of our everyday lives can make it hard to find the freedom Jesus wants us to have. A personal retreat can often be just what the Divine Physician ordered. Allow the quiet to give your mind and heart the space to connect with God in His creation. Try Catholic retreat centers such as Living Waters in Maggie Valley and the Catholic Conference Center in Hickory. Learn more: www.charlottediocese.org/faith-life/retreats-conferences.

Catholic All Week

May is a momentous month in the Church and in the world – First Communions, May Crownings, confirmations, ordinations, graduations, end-of-year recitals, picnics, parties and much more. This time of year rivals the fullness of the holiday season, giving rise to the increasingly popular term “Maycember.” Now that we’re in the homestretch toward a summer respite, the Church celebrates Corpus Christi, or the Body of Christ. The very nature of this feast reminds us to slow down and find true peace by prioritizing what is most important – Jesus, the Bread of Life, made truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist. Here are three ways to do just that.

Find joy by spending Sunday with the Lord

052424 CAW restoringOne way to continue the Eucharistic fervor of Corpus Christi throughout the year is to reexamine how we spend our Sundays. In Sophia Institute Press’ recent release, “Restoring the Lord’s Day: How Reclaiming Sunday Can Revive Our Human Nature,” author Daniel Fitzpatrick says modern society has forgotten that joy and living liturgically are intertwined. Drawing from his experiences growing up in the Catholic culture of New Orleans, Fitzpatrick juxtaposes the beauty of taking time to celebrate the faith with the cultural drift toward eliminating the Sabbath. By examining Scripture, philosophy, psychology and literature, he argues that many of us have become Pharaohs within, consumed with anxiety and work. He offers five ways to reorder Sunday activities to restore festivity and holiness, ways the Holy Eucharist strengthens and enlightens us on our journey to Heaven, techniques for cultivating the silence of contemplation and many other tips for reorienting the day of rest.

Improve your relationships with 'Carefree Timelessness'

052424 CAW rhythmJust as dedicating time to God deepens your relationship with Him and creates a more joyful you, the same is true when it comes to with our loved ones. Learn how setting aside several hours to enjoy some “carefree timelessness” with your spouse, children, extended family and friends can improve your relationships dramatically. The concept comes from Catholic author and speaker Matthew Kelly. Visit his channel on youtube.com to watch him discuss this idea in “#1 Way To Help Your Relationships THRIVE: Carefree Timelessness,” which is also explored in his book “Rhythm of Life.”

Nourish your faith with a Catholic classic

052424 CAW MassBreads are traditional fare on Corpus Christi, but the baker in “The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith” doesn’t appreciate the significance of his life’s work, especially in the context of the Mass. Learn how a poor woman, the baker’s son and a miracle restore the faith of the hardened baker and the rest of the town as they prepare for a royal wedding. This beautifully told story with eye-catching illustrations is an original cultural folk tale based on a true story. It is a delightful read for readers young and old, offering discussion material about why the Mass is important. Published by Gingerbread House and available at major booksellers, the book is also available in animated form on YouTube.

Catholic All Week

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He told His disciples if He didn’t depart, He wouldn’t be able to send the Counselor to help us on our way to where He was going (Jn 16:5-15). Two millennia later, are we still looking up at the sky, or do we remember that we have received the Holy Spirit to help us proclaim the Gospel and live our lives accordingly? Let’s make it easier to remember to call on our Comforter and Advocate with these ideas for observing Pentecost on May 19. Bishop-elect Michael Martin says it’s his favorite feast because “we don’t celebrate the Holy Spirit enough!”

Meet the 'Apostle of the Holy Spirit' up for canonization

051024 CAW blessedPope Francis recently paved the way for the canonization of Blessed Elena Guerra (1835-1914), an Italian nun and founder of the Oblates of the Holy Spirit. Guerra is known for developing “a very special devotion to the Holy Spirit” after she was confirmed at 8. As an adult, she wrote many letters to Pope Leo XIII exhorting him to emphasize prayer to the Holy Spirit among the faithful: “Pentecost is not over,” she wrote. “In fact, it is continually going on in every time and in every place, because the Holy Spirit desired to give Himself to all men and all who want Him can always receive Him, so we do not have to envy the apostles and the first believers; we only have to dispose ourselves like them to receive Him well, and He will come to us as He did to them.” The pope agreed, and in 1896 Guerra composed the Holy Spirit Chaplet, which you can pray in the days leading up to Pentecost.

Celebrate Pentecost like a von Trap

051024 CAW vontrappIn “Around the Year with the von Trapp Family,” Maria Augusta von Trapp shares what the “Sound of Music” family did to observe Pentecost. Beginning with Ascension Day, they prepared for the feast, discussing the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit each evening. Maria notes how different the discussions were from year to year. On the ninth day, they meditated on the two great hymns “Veni, Sancte Spiritus” and “Veni, Creator Spiritus.” Maria also wrote that many of the old churches throughout the Alps have a hole in the ceiling through which, on Pentecost Sunday, the “Holy Spirit dove” would be let down into the church, bringing the mystery of the day into a visual reality.

Cultivate a 'True Devotion to the Holy Spirit'

051024 CAW deviotionMany readers of Archbishop Luis M. Martinez’s “True Devotion to the Holy Spirit” consider it a spiritual classic. Former archbishop of Mexico City, Martinez lived from 1881 to 1956 and was a philosopher, poet, theologian and director of souls. In “True Devotion,” he writes that the Spirit is God’s supreme gift, and our devotion to Him should be profound and encompassing. While relying on Scripture, Martinez illuminates the difference the Spirit can make when He’s given His proper place in your soul. He explains in practical terms how readers should respond to the Spirit, how the Spirit helps them grow in virtue, and the characteristics of true love of the Spirit. Find the book at your favorite bookseller or at www.sophiainstitute.com.