diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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In his recent encyclical "Laudato Si'," Pope Francis has called on Catholics to care for God's creation. We care, or do not care, for creation in the decisions we make every day.

For example, when we buy eggs at the grocery store, do we buy eggs produced by caged chickens at factory farms? If so, we are not caring for creation. Instead, we are supporting factory farms systems which employ the worst forms of animal cruelty. This same concept also applies to the purchase of veal and pork.

In factory farming operations, calves raised for veal are confined to small enclosures in which they are not able to turn around, much less walk or run. Pigs are raised on concrete in gestation crates, where they also are unable to turn around. These animals never have access to sunshine or green grass.

Chickens in battery cage operations are treated worst of all. Four or five hens are crammed into a small cage not much larger than a piece of notepaper, where they have no rooms to stretch their wings or walk. Cages filled with hens are stacked, row upon row, with no access to sunshine, fresh air or grass. The hens live this way for about two years, at which time they are deemed "spent" and then sent to slaughter.

If we are serious about caring for creation, we will not just care about the humane treatment of dogs and cats. We must care about all God's creatures. Because money seems to speak, our purchases hold great power. We can choose to purchase meat, dairy and eggs from animals which are humanely raised. Better yet, we can forgo the consumption of these products or at least reduce the amount we consume. These choices will better conserve the resources of this planet as a whole, since a large amount of land and water is used to raise grains for farm animal feed.


— April J. Boyle lives in Asheville.