diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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Deacon James Toner, in concluding Aug. 5 his column “Just call me ‘Bob’,” posed the question, “so should we show respect for the sacred office of priest and for him who is privileged to hold that office, by referring to him, not as ‘Bob,’ but as ‘Father Smith.’

Does that then show an increased level of respect for the person, position or office? Sometimes it is difficult to separate the person from the position held. Our life experience shows that having a title doesn’t always equate to respect.

Like Deacon Toner, I was in the military and then entered a career in law enforcement for almost 30 years. I found over the years that respect is something which is earned and doesn’t automatically come with any title. I do have great respect for those who enter the priesthood and religious life. It is a great act of love and sacrifice that should be respected and honored.

Referring to my parish priest as “Father Bob” or “Father Smith” certainly in my mind does not diminish the respect I have for him.

Jim Healy lives in Charlotte.

Related: Deacon James H. Toner: Just call me ‘Bob’