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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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Voting records indicate that a majority of Catholics vote for Democrats in national elections. It is indisputable that the Democratic Party’s platform and its politicians openly support and promote abortion. The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is the killing of an innocent child. Politicians who say they are personally opposed to abortion, but believe it is unfair to deny abortions to those who want one, are not true believers of the Church’s teaching.

Jesuit Father Francis Canavan, who wrote “Pins in the Liberal Balloon,” wrote, “Rightly understood, personally opposed is a code word that means … I’m with you; I don’t see anything really wrong in abortion, either.”

No other issue in our country is more important than the killing of a baby in a mother’s womb. Many evils in society today are a direct result of the acceptance of abortion during the past 43 years, especially the lack of respect for human dignity. Also, the breakdown of the family, rampant immodesty, pornography, euthanasia, homosexuality, and the wanton murder in the streets of our cities can all be traced back to this lack of respect for human life.

How you vote Nov. 8 will greatly affect the future of abortion and its effects on our country.

Joseph Margio is a member of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Jefferson.