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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

I so enjoyed the Viewpoints commentary from Sister Constance Carolyn Veit in the Aug. 18 issue of the Catholic News Herald.

I am in my 70s and for a long time I have felt that the older people in my parish have been ignored when it comes to adult education or programs to help us keep our faith strong.

We are the pray-ers of the parish, attend daily Mass, volunteer for Adoration hours, and bring Holy Communion to those in hospitals, nursing homes or are home bound. It is true that we do have the time to do these things, and they are vital to the life of the Church, but we need “food” to help us grow and learn more about our faith.

Yes, the younger parishioners are the future of our parish, but we older parishioners are the ones to help keep things going, and we never get tired of learning about our faith and spreading it to others, so please help us to do that.

— Helen Kelleher lives in Matthews.

In response to the news article in the April 28 edition of the Catholic News Herald, “Trump signs bill to let states redirect funds from abortion clinics,” I would like to provide more detail. Thanks to this new bill being signed, Catholics and other American citizens are free from the abomination of tax dollars going toward abortion, and specifically Planned Parenthood.

The president did well in purposely having the tax dollars given to former Sen. Tom Price, the pro-life Secretary of Health and Human Services. At the time when the bill was signed, Democrats and Planned Parenthood confidently thought that the organization would still be funded because of what was written in the bill. However, because Price is pro-life, Planned Parenthood will not be receiving any funding as long as Price keeps his faith and is the HHS secretary.

“Taxpayers should not be forced to fund abortion, plain and simple,” expressed Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan in a statement. “We remain united and steadfast in our commitment to life and religious liberty.” He referred to this reversing of the rule the Obama administration issued as “a major pro-life victory,” precisely what it is.

Daniel Carter lives in Davidson.