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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

112522 BMKERNERSVILLE — Students, families and staff at Bishop McGuinness High School have spent more than 250 hours this year supporting a local fresh and reclaimed food initiative called “Out of the Garden.”

The Greensboro-based project provides meals to students in Guilford County for the weekend, as part of Operation Backpack. Out of the Garden also hosts fresh mobile markets and runs an urban teaching farm.

Besides distributing fresh food, reclaimed food is donated from local grocery stores and businesses in an effort to prevent food waste.

This aligns with Pope Francis’ call for everyone to reorient their lifestyles in a conscious, responsible manner to ensure that no one is left behind and everyone receives food, both in quantity and quality.

“To throw food away means to throw people away,” the pope has said. Bishop McGuinness students have spent time sorting and packaging food for students in public school as well as families who attend community shopping events. Beyond their support for Out of the Garden, the school community has also worked on two Habitat for Humanity houses in the Winston-Salem area, cleaning and laying wood floors.

“The Family Association’s Service Committee has made it a priority to find and present opportunities for parents and students to serve the local community through organized days of service,” said Katie Williams, Bishop McGuinness High School’s director of advancement.

“Out of the Garden Project, Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House and local parishes have been the beneficiaries of hundreds of hours of service already this year. We are grateful for the students and parents who have stepped up with their time, talent and treasure to make these initiatives a priority.”

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle. Vatican News contributed. Photos Provided

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112522 ACASHEVILLE  In the cold winter months in western North Carolina, a blanket can be a lifesaver for people experiencing homelessness. Students at Asheville Catholic School in grades 1-8 teamed up last winter to create cozy fleece blankets for neighbors in their community who are without permanent shelter.

The students participated in this Act of Charity in honor of the 50th anniversary year of the Diocese of Charlotte during Catholic Schools Week. Over the course of a school day, classes rotated through the gymnasium in one-hour shifts to complete 60 blankets for delivery to Homeward Bound, a community partner that serves persons experiencing homelessness.

Religion teacher Yasmin Santschi recounts the day’s marathon of blanket-making: “In the morning, our middle school students came in and cut strips in the fleece. In the afternoon, our younger students came in with an older student ‘buddy’ and worked on tying the knots in the blankets. Lastly, our youngest students, who are still learning to tie knots, assisted their big friends to fold the blankets and prepare them for delivery.”

Sixth-grader Victoria Arquez says she loved making the 5’ x 6’ blankets, “because we got to help people who don’t have shelter during the winter. Also, we got to do it with our little friends (younger children), so I’m happy that they were able to participate in this experience, too.”

Santschi says community service and giving of one’s time “is a key element in our learning and growing. Having students participate in these events helps them to build a sense of empathy and understanding for the struggles others may face in our community.” She wants Asheville Catholic students to feel empowered to help others, even if it is just through a blanket. “We can always do something to help others and it always makes a difference, no matter how small,” Santschi explains.

Principal Mike Miller agrees: “Children are not too young to be the difference for someone else. These blankets could literally save lives and bring some comfort to those who need it most.”

— SueAnn Howell. Photos provided by Asheville Catholic School

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