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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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050815 book cover couple'From Agnostic to Deacon: A Story of Hope and Conversion'

CHARLOTTE — Deacon Kevin Williams and his wife Theresa weren't always on the same page when it comes to practicing their faith. They are both cradle Catholics, but Theresa grew up in South Dakota and stayed close to the faith while Kevin grew up in Charlotte and drifted away from his faith in his teenage years.

They met while they were in the military serving as musicians, and married in June of 1978.

To look at this couple now, you would never guess that they were "unequally yoked" during the early years of their marriage when Theresa was attending Mass alone and praying for Kevin to come back to the Church.
"I prayed for him for about 12 years to go to church with me. Boy, did my prayers get answered!" Theresa says with a laugh.

"A couple of people have told us they have people in their lives that have gone astray (from their faith) and I've told them, 'Keep praying!'"

After coming back to the Church, Kevin kept receiving promptings to become a permanent deacon. He was ordained in 2006 and currently serves in ministry at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte, as well as with the airport chaplaincy. He and Theresa have been active in Cursillo, in their parish choir and in faith formation at the diverse parish.

Theresa's book "From Agnostic to Deacon: A Story of Hope and Conversion" is a response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share their story with others. It was published in January.

"Just before I fell asleep (one night) I was given the title of the book by the Holy Spirit. I was like, 'Wow! OK, let me write this down!'" she recalls.

"It took me a while (to write the book) between various job situations. I would say eight years, but the last couple of years were the most productive," she noted.

050815 Agnostic to Dea CoverIn "From Agnostic to Deacon," she outlines their lives and their faith journey together, filled with all of its twists and turns.

She is candid about her mother-in-law's mental illness, the couple's struggle with infertility and how they see God uses all things for good along the way.

In addition to this recent book, Theresa has also written articles for the permanent deacons' newsletter and other articles, and she regularly blogs as well.

Recently, the permanent deacon community asked her and Kevin to take over "The Servant" newsletter to rejuvenate it for the permanent diaconate.

She had never done anything like that before, but "slowly and surely I'm improving," she says.

"It has been quite amazing to look back through our journey together and reflect on the power of prayer and God working in our lives," Kevin adds.

"This experience has helped us appreciate how God has been preparing us for things we never would have ex-pected. God has placed people in our lives at just the right time, with just the right gifts. Their presence has been a gift from God."

— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter

More online

At www.fromagnostictodeacon.com: Read Theresa Williams' blog about faith and daily life

At www.amazon.com: The Williams' new book "From Agnostic to Deacon: A Story of Hope and Conversion" is availa-ble in paperback for purchase. (ISBN-10: 0692337660)