Passwords are the keys to your “kingdom.” They provide the ability to log in to a computer, network, hosted accounts and potentially sensitive data. They are the first step in securing your online identity and business or personal information. They are a critical security step and should not be taken for granted.
Make your digital life easier and safer by following these tips and rules:
What makes a good password? The “old” conventional thinking was to use a minimum of eight characters with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters to create a supposedly “strong” password. Today, that thinking is changing because cyber criminals are now employing automated bots to crack eight-character passwords in just seconds.
The new thinking is to use a password containing a minimum of 20 characters or to use a passphrase. Make the passphrase something memorable and meaningful to you. Remember, the longer the password is, the harder it will be for a criminal to crack it.
What is an example of a passphrase? Let’s say you have an account for Hulu (online TV streaming) and let’s say you don’t really like watching TV. Your passphrase might be something like: “IStillDontLikeTVandProbably-NeverWill!” It’s easy to remember because you don’t like watching TV and probably never will!
God bless, and safe computing!
Scott Long is the information technology director for the Diocese of Charlotte.