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Catholic News Herald

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‘Stay With Us, Lord’

15th Annual Eucharistic Congress kicks off Sept. 6

090719 congress friday

CHARLOTTE — The 2019 Eucharistic Congress began Sept. 6 at the Charlotte Convention Center, with the traditional welcome and opening prayer by Bishop Peter Jugis.

After Bishop Jugis' welcome, the faithful prayed the Byzantine Rite Vespers, led by Father Joseph Matlak, administrator, and newly ordained Father Kevin Bezner, along with parishioners of St. Basil the Great Eastern Catholic Parish of Charlotte.

Following Vespers author, EWTN personality and Steubenville University professor Dr. Scott Hahn gave a keynote address on Scripture entitled “Stay With Us, Lord: Lessons Along The Road To Emmaus.”

Hahn was at times passionate as he unpacked the meaning of the passage of the Gospel of Luke chapter 24:29, which describes the two men journeying from Jerusalem to Emmaus after the crucifixion when they encounter the Lord. He opens their eyes to many things and then disappears after the men break bread with Him.

“He (Jesus) lets them open up their hearts before He sets them on fire,” Hahn explained.

“What does Jesus want to do with us?” Hahn asked. “He wants to reveal His presence to us. He longed to teach them the Scriptures. He wants to teach us!”

During his talk, Hahn addressed a recent Pew Research survey in which 70 percent of Catholics said that they believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. Only 30 percent believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the survey reported.
“This is why we are here!” Hahn asserted. “This is why time at the Eucharistic Congress is well spent. We’ll soak up Scripture with a purpose of reawakening our faith. We’ve got to take hold of Scripture and let it

transform us.”

A Eucharistic procession to St. Peter Church then followed Hahn’s address. Nocturnal Adoration continued until Saturday morning.

Young adults were invited Friday evening to a special College Night program for college students where Hahn also spoke. Singer/songwriter Dana Catherine Schwartz alos shared her talents.

Saturday’s congress events kick off at 9 a.m. with a Eucharistic procession that follows a route from St. Peter Church to the Charlotte Convention Center. A Holy Hour – featuring a homily by Father Patrick Winslow, vicar general and chancellor of the Diocese of Charlotte – will immediately follow the procession at 10:15 a.m.

An English track, Spanish track, Vietnamese program, youth and other tracks will be offered throughout the day. Bishop Peter Jugis will celebrate Mass at the conclusion of the congress Saturday at 4:15 p.m.

— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter. Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald


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