Write an essay of no more than 300 words on the following: What does Jesus’ gift to us in the Holy Eucharist mean to you personally?
This contest is open to children in middle school through high school grades. One entry per person. Essays may be submitted in English or Spanish.
Email your essays to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29. Please be sure to include the author’s name, age or grade, parents’/guardians’ names, and parents’ best daytime phone number. Put as the email subject line “Eucharistic Congress essay.”
Catholic News Herald staff will judge the entries and select winners based on: how clearly, originally and persuasively the writer expresses themselves; their explanation of how their Catholic faith is important to them; and grammar and style.
Winners in each language category will each receive a $50 gift certificate to Chick-fil-A.
Questions? Call the Catholic News Herald at 704-370-3333.
En Español: Chicos, ¡Participen en nuestro concurso de ensayos!