CHARLOTTE — The Eucharistic Procession, in which Bishop Peter J. Jugis carries a monstrance containing a consecrated host – the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ – is a highlight of the two-day Eucharistic Congress.
The Eucharistic Procession passes through uptown Charlotte to the Charlotte Convention Center, where the Eucharistic Congress is ongoing.
The 2018 First Communicants led the procession along with Bishop Jugis.
Prior to the procession, priests from the diocese gathered at St. Peter Church in prayer
Reparation for the sins of sexual misconduct, sexual abuse and the abuse of authority by certain clergy in the Church was the theme during the priests’ Holy Hour in St. Peter’s Church before the start of the Eucharistic Procession Saturday morning.
Bishop Peter Jugis asked God to bring healing to the Church, and he prayed for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose feast of nativity is celebrated today.
— Catholic News Herald
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