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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

michalowskiWhat kind of leaven will we be – a good leaven rising up fruit to the praise of God, or a corrupt leaven causing the downfall of our neighbor? Easter, when we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord, is a good time of year to take stock – to cast out the old leaven of corruption, and instead, to leaven the world with loving intimations of God’s kingdom.

gallagher fredThe altar was stripped, and we felt the stark but telling Absence. The next day, we symbolically walked the Via Dolorosa and the horror of the crucifixion settled in upon us. We kissed Our Lord’s feet (or bowed to them because of COVID-19 restrictions) as He hung upon the cross: the sacred agony that becomes a part of us. The following day we waited, the figurative waiting for Jesus to come back to us. In the wait, we were solemn and somber, we mourned, and we wept.