diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

I must take umbrage with the Dec. 4 commentary by Dr. Kamila Valenta, "Welcoming Syrian refugees could make our country safer." I fully understand Christian charity, but this will not ensure our safety – especially in light of the recent terrorist attack in San Bernadino, Calif.

I acknowledge that those perpetrators were not Syrians, but ISIS has taken over many parts of Syria and one of the Paris terrorists entered France as a refugee. As for the current vetting process for refugees, it is specious at best. Documentation in Syria is limited or nonexistent, and in many instances fraudulent.

Additionally, the FBI has indicated it does not have the resources to monitor many suspected evildoers. I believe that Christian charity requires us to protect our own and only allow refugees when our safety can be absolutely guaranteed.


— William J. Barker lives in Charlotte.

The Dec. 4 commentary by Dr. Valenta is misleading and does a disservice to your readers. The issue is not whether we as Catholics should accept refugees, but how we should do it.

When my parents came to the United States in 1910, there were laws that were strictly followed and which they gladly accepted to become citizens of this wonderful country. They went through Ellis Island, where they were carefully checked for diseases. If they were infected, they were either sent home or quarantined until they were well. They also presented valid documents that showed who they were, where they came from and other vital information.

This was and still is the responsibility of our government to protect innocent citizens from harm. This was something citizens could not do for themselves. Only government could do it. After my parents were here in this country for five years, they applied for and received citizenship, which included the ability to vote if they had been good citizens during their trial period.

Since they were German-speaking people, they settled in parts of the country where German was commonly spoken and where Mass was said in German and English. They became assimilated into American society and raised good families. They and others of every nationality were the immigrants who made this country great.

These are more dangerous times than years ago. Rather than just screening for infectious diseases, our government now must protect its citizens from radical Islamic terrorists and known thugs who intend to kill innocent people. This is not "misinformation" or "unfounded fears." Yet the government does virtually nothing to protect us.

Common sense tells us that all immigrants – from Mexico, Syria or anywhere – need to go through a screening and quota process that is more effective than what we have today. It is not anti-Catholic or non-Christian to ask for this kind of protection. Catholics should not have any feelings of guilt about this.

Again, the issue is not whether we as Catholics should accept refugees, but how we should do it. Let's do it with some common sense, determination and compassion, as was done years ago... and which worked.


— Edward J. Klein lives in Hendersonville.