diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

I want to acknowledge and applaud the March 1 letter to the editor by Rosemary Hagerott regarding the “‘lack of leadership’ on abortion by Church hierarchy.”

She speaks for many of us Catholics who, like her, have been shocked and sickened by the legislators who proposed allowing the “murder” of the unborn and born babies, and the people who wildly applauded when told the law had passed.

It is unbelievable that any Catholic would be in favor of this sin. These Catholic proponents should be immediately excommunicated. What has happened to the support for the “pro-life movement”? It is unbelievable that more of our religious leaders have not stepped up and taken a stand against this law or even commented about it.

I learned from a very fine teacher in my youth that when we are faced with any issue with which we disagree, we need to speak up because “silence is acceptance.” Clergy, where are your voices?

Daphne Stroup lives in Davidson.


I agree with the March 15 letter by Sean O’Meara entitled “News item omitted information” regarding the infanticide bill in Congress.

It was a terrible tragedy that Congress failed to pass this legislation, but I understand that there were three Democratic senators who voted with the Republicans: Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Senator Doug Jones of Alabama. Give these gentlemen credit for voting the right way on this, and condemn the rest of them.

Nancy Mosley lives in Charlotte.