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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

The photo and headline of the March 1, 2019, edition of the Catholic News Herald was both encouraging and several decades late for many young Catholic boys and girls.

Where was the leadership for all those years? How do we expect our Catholic family to “turn the other cheek” after so many countless failures of the perpetrators and their leaders?

The lack of oversight of the actions of those who were accountable to the bishops and other hierarchy may be accountable not only to God, but to our civil courts of justice.

As a community of Catholic hierarchy and lay persons, we need to pray unceasingly for Pope Francis and his delegates to have the courage, understanding and objective decisions to help eradicate, or at least minimize, these acts of abuse.

Theirs is a tremendous task. Pray for their divine guidance.

Jim Zeunik is a member of Christ the King Mission in Kings Mountain.

I wish to express my dissatisfaction with a national news item printed in the March 1 edition, entitled “Senate fails to pass bill opposing infanticide.”

For starters, it is a tragedy that this bill did not pass and is a severe blow to our moral foundation as a civilization.

However, I especially make note that nowhere in the article does it state that no Democrats supported this bill. Was this just another journalistic oversight or an intentional “sin of omission”?

Once again we have been shown that the “culture of death” has clearly penetrated the Democratic Party.

Where is the outcry and proactive battle for defending God’s laws from our alleged moral voices within the Church?

Humanity, and especially America, is in a serious spiritual battle. Now, more than ever, we need responsible leadership from the Catholic Church. Are you willing to be a voice crying out in the desert or just another propaganda newspaper marching in line with the mainstream media?

Sean O’Meara lives in Hendersonville.