CHARLOTTE — The battle between good and evil rages on – not on the streets, but within the human heart.
That was the message given during the Diocese of Charlotte's first "Blue Mass," a liturgy held in honor of law enforcement and public safety personnel Sept. 29 at St. Patrick Cathedral.
The Mass had been planned several weeks before a fatal police shooting Sept. 20 triggered a week of protests in Charlotte that left two African-American men dead, several police officers injured, and residents shocked by the violence. The cathedral was filled with people who had come out to pray and express thanks to local first responders, during a liturgy offered on the Feast of the Archangels.
"We see a parallel between your work and theirs," said homilist Father Patrick Winslow. "We see the work you do as sharing in their angelic mission as protector, healer and aid to those in need."
His parish, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, sits just a few blocks away from where Keith Lamont Scott, a 43-year-old African-American man, was shot and killed by police Sept. 20 in an apartment complex parking lot. Protests erupted there on Sept. 20, and on Sept. 21 Father Winslow led one of the city's first prayer services for reconciliation and justice.
"The archangels – Gabriel, Raphael, Michael – are known in Scripture for coming to the aid of those in need. In the case of Gabriel and Raphael, to provide healing from sickness and mercy, like EMS responders and fire fighters. Michael is known as one who confronts the forces of darkness, one might say like our policemen and women who seek to protect and defend."
Pictured at top: Bishop Peter Jugis leads the procession into St. Patrick Cathedral for the diocese's first Blue Mass Sept. 29. A color guard from the Charlotte Fire Department flanks the cathedral's entrance. (Photos by Patricia L. Guilfoyle, Catholic News Herald)
Father Winslow also reflected on the first reading of the Mass, Revelation 12:7-12ab, which describes St. Michael casting Satan out of heaven.
"Throughout Christian history this apocalyptic text has been interpreted not merely as some future or past event, but as also describing the current, ongoing, unfolding battle between the forces of good and evil," he said. "It has been something that has been taking place since the beginning and even now in this present age, throughout the world, in the U.S., in Charlotte."
"Unlike conventional battles, which have … clearly delineated front lines, the war between the forces of light and darkness know no such borders. Rather, darkness is more pervasive and sinister. It's a battle not between nations, not between peoples. The battle of dark and light is not between races. Rather, it is a battle that takes place within each human heart, within each one of us."
This insidious darkness attempts to attack all of us, including priests and police, he said.
"Fighting the darkness in the human heart is the real battle. It seeks to strike at our hearts and, by so doing, tear down the fabric of our societies and our communities."
However, Revelation also describes the battle's outcome, Father Winslow said. "We are assured that God is victorious. The light will always conquer the darkness that threatens us. God always wins!"
"It's in this context that the officer patrols each day," he continued. "It's in this context which the first responder sets a pace to help those of us in need. We need men and women like you who tirelessly bring this light of aid and service to the world – to help our brothers and sisters, to help us, especially in our moments of need and defenselessness."
In this complicated and difficult world, "it is not always easy to make wise and prudent decisions," Father Winslow also acknowledged. "So we pray that you're able to do so in a split moment, at a time when it's needed, for people depending on you."
"May God bless you, your families and the people you serve."
First offered in 1934 in Washington, D.C., the Blue Mass provides spiritual support for those on the front lines of public safety and derives its name from the uniform color of police officers and firefighters. The Blue Mass is now offered in hundreds of parishes and dioceses annually throughout the U.S.
Bishop Jugis blesses a fire truck before the start of the Blue Mass Sept. 29.Before the Mass, Bishop Peter Jugis blessed fire trucks, patrol cars and ambulances, sprinkling them with holy water as they drove past the cathedral, lights flashing.
About two dozen police, fire and EMS personnel, both Catholic and non-Catholic, attended the Mass.
Davon Hood, who has served with the Charlotte Fire Department for one year, said he was grateful for the prayers from the local Catholic community.
Mecklenburg County Sheriff Irwin Carmichael also said he was thankful for everyone's prayers, adding that he appreciated people taking the time to come and show their support for local law enforcement.
Members and adult leaders of Scout Pack and Troop 9 from St. Patrick Cathedral attended the Mass, as well as (from left) Mecklenburg County Sheriff Irwin Carmichael, Deputy Chief Pete Key of the Charlotte Fire Department, and Lt. Tom Barry of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department.About two dozen of the cathedral's Scouts also participated in the Mass. The members and adult leaders of Cub Scout Pack 9 and Boy Scout Troop 9 lined the sidewalk in front of the cathedral as Bishop Jugis led the prayers of blessing.
Andrew Phares, an Arrow of Light Webelos in Pack 9, said he enjoyed being a part of the cathedral's first Blue Mass.
Isaac Hughes, a Bear Cub Scout, also said he was excited to attend the Mass.
— Patricia L. Guilfoyle, editor
MONROE — Deacon W. David Powers has been assigned to Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Monroe by Bishop Peter Jugis, effective Sept. 13. Deacon Powers and his wife recently relocated to the Waxhaw area from the Diocese of Arlington, Va. He was ordained Jan. 15, 2011.
— Deacon Ron Steinkamp