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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

093016 bryson‘This parish is meant for community’

BRYSON CITY — Sept. 18 was a special day for the mountain parish community of St. Joseph and its mission in Cherokee. The day was a celebration of the 75th anniversary of St. Joseph’s Church dedication, as well as the 50th anniversary for Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission’s dedication. Bishop Peter Jugis was on hand to offer the anniversary Mass, as well as to administer the sacrament of confirmation to two Bryson City youths, Tayla Holt and James Posey.

In his homily, Bishop Jugis encouraged the two youths, and all of the parishioners, to grow in holiness.

“The Church is here for our sanctification, for our salvation,” he said. “We cannot do it by ourselves. We need the help of others to grow in holiness and to stay on the path to our salvation.”

He emphasized that the Church is here to strengthen the faithful so that they can go out into the world and spread the Gospel.

“Don’t let it stop here, go out into the world,” he said. “Everywhere you go, you represent Christ. We are His missionaries; we have to do our part. This is what binds us together as a parish family.”

The anniversary Mass was a close-knit affair in the small Smoky Mountain church that sits along the Tuckasegee River, which flows right through the town of 1,300 people.

093016-bryson2093016-bryson3Parishioner Dave Baker, a cantor and one of the five choir members, said, “There is warmth here, a sense of authenticity within this small collection of families. It is truly delightful, and maybe the combination of family and small mountain town makes it feel so genuine.”

“The 75th anniversary of the dedication of St. Joseph’s and the 50th anniversary of the dedication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission are reminders that the faith is something that must be handed on by one generation and received by the following one,” said Father Peter Shaw, pastor.

“It humbles me to be part of the work of so many priests, deacons, sisters and laity who have labored and nourished the faith in these mountains. God willing, our community here in Bryson City and the Qualla boundary will continue to give witness to the truth for many more years, to play our part in the unbroken handing on of the faith that was given from Christ through His Apostles and the bishops, to each of us.”

Before Easter, the church installed a new tabernacle behind the altar. The 100-year-old tabernacle was purchased by Father Shaw and restored in time for the anniversary celebration, thanks to the generosity of anonymous benefactors. The new tabernacle caps a year of improvements at the church, including a new Allen organ, altar candles and crucifix, altar linens and sanctuary lamp.

“Another impressive point from today, for me, was seeing Father Shaw move the tabernacle behind the altar,” Baker said. “It’s truly glorious having a central place of honor for Our Lord.”

Confirmation candidate Tayla Holt honored her grandmother, who has been married for 50 years, by wearing her wedding dress as her confirmation dress.

Said Holt’s mother Kim Holt, “I have been with St. Joseph Parish since I moved down to North Carolina 25 years ago. Over the years it has become part of my family and it has been a wonderful blessing to have my own marriage and all my children’s sacraments here. It is a beautiful church in the heart of the Smokies.”

Lectors at the Mass were Joe Kamarata, parish council chairman, and Kathy Posey, the parish’s faith formation coordinator and mother of confirmation candidate James Posey. Joe and Lisa Kamarata brought up the offertory gifts. Dr. David Ramsey III, a parishioner of St. Mary, Mother of God Church in Sylva and a candidate in the diaconate formation program, served at the Mass.
Craig Car, the parish picnic coordinator, and several volunteers helped to make the parish picnic that followed the Mass a great success. Along with a variety of foods and desserts, there was a silent auction and raffle for the parish’s Respect Life Committee. Families and friends enjoyed the day and being together as a parish.

Bob Burns, a parishioner for 22 years, said, “This parish is meant for community. It was a great success and I believe there were over 100 people here. This was a very good turnout.”

093016 bryson city“I couldn’t have been happier or more proud as a pastor and spiritual father,” said Father Shaw. “There was much work that was done quietly and behind-the-scenes, so to speak, to make the day as wonderful as it was. Between the planning and working of the picnic, the hours of practicing by the choir, and the mundane (but important) work of cleaning the church, I couldn’t have done it myself. So thank you to everyone that helped to make the day so pleasantly memorable. As a parish, we have many reasons to be proud and grateful.”

— Della Sue Bryson, Correspondent

Our Lady of Guadalupe unique church in N.C. mountains

093016 cherokee2CHEROKEE — The Catholic Church in Cherokee is the product of combining Roman Catholic tradition with Native American heritage – an amalgamation of cultures set in the western North Carolina mountains.

Catholics living in and around Cherokee gathered for liturgies in various places prior to the church’s construction in the mid-1960s. Glenmary priests serving the westernmost sections of North Carolina ministered to Cherokee Catholics.

Lelia Queen, a convert to Catholicism, dedicated land on which to build a new church, and plans were set for construction. Because the donated land rested in Cherokee territory, a proposal had to be sent to the Cherokee tribal council before construction could proceed.

A resolution was signed in 1960 by the principal chief, thus allowing a Catholic chapel to be built.

North Carolina Bishop Vincent S. Waters dedicated the newly built structure in August 1966, placing it under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The building was the first Catholic church to be constructed on the Cherokee Indian Reservation.

It was said that Bishop Waters decided that the church’s design reflect Cherokee culture. Built in the pattern of the ancient and sacred Cherokee council house, the church has seven sides, representing the tribal clans.
Mosaic symbols were laid in the floor of the church, each representing a clan: the Paint, the Deer, the Panther, the Wolf, the Bird, the Potato and the Blue Holly.

Highlighting the north section of the church is a large stained glass window consisting of 5,000 glass pieces and representing Catholic and Native American traditions and history. In 1963, Bishop Waters commissioned Dutch artist Franz Van Bergen to design the window.

The project took two-and-a-half years to complete. The central motif of the window is the heavenly appearance in December 1531 of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Juan Diego, the Aztec peasant boy who witnessed visions of Mary on a hill known as Tepeyac.

093016 cherokeeHowever, in an example of artistic liberty, Sequoyah, the Cherokee who designed a new alphabet that led to his people’s literacy, was placed within the window rather than St. Juan Diego. Also placed within the window are images of the traditional seven-sided council houses and the first Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

When Bishop Michael J. Begley of the newly established Diocese of Charlotte established St. Joseph Church in Bryson City in September 1972, Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission became a mission of the new parish. The Glenmary priests assigned to serve as pastors at St. Joseph – Fathers Donald Levernier, Frank Gardner and Tom Field – served the church for 25 years.

In 1997, Bishop William G. Curlin transferred ministerial care of the mission to St. Margaret of Scotland Church in Maggie Valley. Care for the mission church was restored to St. Joseph Church in July 2000 upon the arrival of Father Ray Williams as administrator, who served at the church until 2002. The current pastor is Father Peter Shaw.

— Catholic News Herald archives

St. Joseph Church embodies spirit of worship and good works in mountain community

BRYSON CITY — St. Joseph Church is located in Swain County, at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains in western North Carolina.
In the 1930s, before the parish was established, a priest 34 miles from Waynesville would travel to Bryson City to celebrate Mass in various homes and at the Fryemont Inn.

As the Catholic community grew, a need for a Catholic church in the area became evident. Land was purchased at the east end of Bryson City’s Main Street and construction of St. Joseph Church began.
The church, built at a cost of $11,568, was dedicated by then-Bishop Eugene McGuiness of Raleigh in September 1941 and was a mission of St. John the Evangelist Church in Waynesville.

At that time, St. Joseph Church was the only Catholic church west of Waynesville and is the oldest church in that area of North Carolina.
The church building was constructed with stone from Swain County and wood native to the area was used whenever possible. At the time of the dedication, there were 20 members at St. Joseph Church.

In 1955, Glenmary priests took responsibility for the parish. A nearby training center for Glenmary priests provided an ideal situation for both parishioners and priests. While the priests were able to get hands-on experience dealing with parish life, St. Joseph Church was able to maintain a generous supply of enthusiastic priests.

In the late 1960s, St. Joseph Church was transferred from being a mission of St. John the Evangelist Church in Waynesville to a mission of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Franklin.

On Sept. 8, 1972, St. Joseph Church became an independent parish. Today, the church has its own mission, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Cherokee.
Three Glenmary priests served as pastors of St. Joseph Church after its establishment as a parish in 1972: Fathers Donald Levernier, Frank Gardner and Tom Field.

When Father Field retired in 2002, the Glenmary presence at St. Joseph Church ended.

Father Frank Seabo, a diocesan priest, served as administrator between July 2002 and July 2003. In 2003, Father Shawn O’Neal became the administrator. The current pastor is Father Peter Shaw.

The parish is involved with SAFE, a center for victims of domestic violence; Habitat for Humanity; Meals on Wheels and it actively collects food for the Bryson City Food Pantry.

In 1983, the church purchased property and began a thrift shop. Now the small shop has grown into one the largest ecumenical charities in the area. In fact, parishioners of St. Joseph Church and other area churches have kept the shop so stocked with donated goods that there has never been a need to go outside the area for donations.

— Catholic News Herald archives

093016 sparta mainROME — “Gloria Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que aman al Señor. Glory to God in Heaven, and on earth peace to men who love the Lord.” With this introduction to the Gloria, English and Spanish voices joined together Sept. 25 in a joyful bilingual celebration of the 50th anniversary of St. Frances of Rome in Sparta as a mission church. The celebration continued with a catered picnic on the grounds.

In his homily, Bishop Peter Jugis reminded listeners that there are three reasons why the anniversary of a church is celebrated. “First, a church is the place where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated. This is the center of all parish life, where we are nourished by the Body and Blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Second, a church is dedicated to making you holy and to see that you get to heaven. All the priests who serve you are dedicated to this primary purpose. Third, a church is the center for evangelization, where we reach out to our communities to bring the truths of the Gospel to our friends and neighbors. Everything else a parish does is centered on these three purposes.”

The dedication of the church in 1966, the parish hall in 1986, and the cemetery in 2015 were landmarks in a long pilgrimage for Catholics in the community. The parish has grown from 17 original members to approximately 152 families, including year-round and summer residents and a sizable Hispanic community.

Among the priests present for the 50th anniversary celebration were Father Roland Hautz and Monsignor Gerald Lewis.

Father Hautz said he served St. Frances of Rome “for one-fifth of its 50 years.” He is celebrating his 63rd year as a priest. He proudly recalled two men he brought into the Church while he was serving in Rome. One was Father Fred Werth, who now serves as pastor of St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Mars Hill. The other was a Pentecostal evangelist.

Monsignor Lewis said that, when he first started coming to Sparta in 1961, there were only seven people at the church. He and other priests who came to this area celebrated Mass in the Sparta Community Center, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, the cafeteria of the Blue Ridge Shoe Factory, and the homes of area Catholics, he recalled.

Over the years, parishioners have been actively involved in its evolution as a growing Catholic community in Alleghany County. The youth community created beautiful additions to the church. Elizabeth Flattery built the Life Garden, which is accented by a large Sacred Heart of Jesus statue donated by parishioner Ruth Stephenson. Eagle Scout projects include the Grotto of Mary beside the church by Paul Kovacich, and a fence, walkway and center crucifix pillar at the cemetery by Vincent Benish. Stained glass windows in the church are being commissioned from St. Frances’ homegrown artist, Vanessa Wright Hollifield. Hollifield also painted the uniquely-designed Stations of the Cross.

In the 50 years since the dedication of St. Frances of Rome, the Sparta community has come to know the generous and charitable nature of their Catholic brothers and sisters. Volunteers help out at the Solid Rock Food Closet, Alleghany Cares and Alleghany Pregnancy Center. Parishioners also serve in community leadership roles and help in organizing community events.

History of St. Frances of Rome Mission

The mission is named for St. Frances of Rome, a 15th century mystic, wife and mother who was remarkable for her charity to the poor and her zeal for souls.

093016-sparta093016-sparta2093016-sparta4Before the early 1960s, Catholics in this mountain county trekked over the hills to Elkin or to North Wilkesboro to attend Mass. In 1961, priests from North Wilkesboro began traveling to Sparta, just four miles from the Virginia border, to celebrate Mass.

Father (now Monsignor) Lewis first celebrated Mass in Alleghany County on the feast of the Assumption, Aug. 15, 1961, in the home of Mrs. J. Lee Johnson and celebrated Christmas morning Mass at the home of Joe and Mildred Savick.

Though small in number, the Catholic population was determined to spiritually reinforce its presence by building a church. In 1965, North Carolina Bishop Vincent Waters directed the pastor, Father Joseph Bumann, to begin searching for property in Sparta to build a church.

With a $10,000 grant from the Catholic Church Extension Society and $3,000 from Geraldine Payne Gilbert and her husband to decorate the church, the project was underway.

Julian Altobellis of Wilmington was hired as architect to design the church. Noted liturgical designer Ade Bethune directed the interior decoration.

Monsignor Lawrence Newman gave $500 for an altar in memory of his mother, and Ed and Marilyn Darr gave the stained glass “Jesus with the Children” window above the altar.

The church was built in memory of Frances Payne Darr.

On Sept. 25, 1966, Bishop Waters dedicated the church. Father Lewis, the pastor, Father Kenneth Parker and Father Leo McIlrath, who served the mission in previous years, were concelebrants for the dedication Mass.

In November 1966, the parish received a relic of St. Frances of Rome from Cardinal Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York, to place in the altar.

093016-sparta-paintingsIn 1972, St. Frances of Rome became part of the new Diocese of Charlotte. It was served by priests from North Wilkesboro, among them Father Justin Pechulis, Father Francis Donahue and Father Bede Wattigny.

The church continued to be staffed by priests from North Wilkesboro until 1976. Priests of the Glenmary Home Missioners also arrived to serve at the churches in Allegheny and Ashe counties. These priests included Father Fid Levi, Father Tony Jablonowski, Father Richard Kreimer, Father Jon Otterbacher, Father Hautz and Father Patrick O’Donnell.

On Feb. 5, 1976, St. Francis of Assisi Church in Jefferson assumed pastoral care of the Rome mission.

In the mid-1980s, the St. Frances of Rome family began raising funds for a multipurpose parish hall/education building. Bishop John F. Donoghue blessed and dedicated the structure in October 1986 at a Mass attended by more than 200 Catholics, friends and clergy.

Glenmary priests served the mission church until 1998, when diocesan priests assumed pastoral care. Since 1998, Father Ronald Marecki, Father Wilbur Thomas, Father Mark Lawlor, Father C. Morris Boyd, Father Patrick Winslow and Father Joseph Dinh have served as pastor or administrator. Since July 2010, Father James Stuhrenberg has served as pastor.

In 2014, planning began for a cemetery at the church. Bishop Jugis dedicated St. Frances of Rome Cemetery on March 11, 2015.

— Patrick Hession, Correspondent

Pictured: Parishioners of St. Frances of Rome Mission in Sparta celebrated their church’s 50th anniversary Sept. 25 with Mass, offered by Bishop Peter Jugis, and a picnic afterwards. Among those at the celebration were Betsy Dillon, one of the oldest members of the church, and newly ordained Father Cory Catron and former pastor Monsignor Gerald Lewis. (Photos by Patrick Hession | Catholic News Herald; provided by Gerson Cuevas)