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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

Catedral llena de penitentes para recibir cenizas por inicio de la Cuaresma

030222 ash weds 2CHARLOTTE — Después de dos años de restricciones, los católicos acudieron masivamente el Miércoles de Ceniza para recibir cenizas sobre sus cabezas marcando el inicio de la Cuaresma.

Siguiendo las indicaciones de las autoridades, se permitió a los feligreses asistir a los servicios sin mascarilla, si así lo preferían.

El Obispo Peter Jugis celebró la Misa el 2 de marzo en la Catedral San Patricio en Charlotte y, a pesar del tono triste de la liturgia, se sintió complacido de dar la bienvenida a una iglesia llena de feligreses.

Durante una breve homilía, antes de la distribución de las cenizas sobre las cabezas, dijo que estas “son una señal de nuestro dolor por nuestros pecados. Cuando vamos a confesarnos, decimos: ‘Oh, Dios mío, lo siento de todo corazón’. Así expresamos nuestro dolor cuando nos confesamos”.

Explicó que en esta fecha, “está ante nosotros todo el tiempo de Cuaresma, en el que tenemos la ocasión de purificar nuestro corazón, mente y alma a través de la oración, ayuno, penitencia y limosna, para que estemos debidamente preparados en la Pascua con mentes, corazones y almas puras para celebrar la gran solemnidad de la Resurrección de Jesús el Domingo de Pascua”.

Señaló que, “es un tiempo de gracia que iniciamos hoy expresando nuestro dolor por nuestros pecados”. Luego bendijo las cenizas y las roció con agua bendita.

Por segundo año consecutivo, y siguiendo instrucciones del Vaticano, las cenizas se espolvorearon sobre las cabezas de los fieles en lugar de colocarlas sobre la frente en forma de cruz. Esta forma alternativa es popular en Roma y se parece más a la relatada en el Antiguo Testamento.

A diferencia del año pasado, los penitentes pudieron acercarse al altar para recibir las cenizas. En 2021, solo un número limitado de personas pudo ingresar a la Catedral y se sentaron guardando distanciamiento social.

Este año, con todas las filas llenas, solo había espacio para estar de pie.

El Obispo Jugis fue asistido por el Padre Ernest Nebangongnjoh y el Diácono Paul Bruck, quienes también distribuyeron cenizas.

Al término de la Misa, el obispo saludó a los feligreses en los escalones de la catedral, deseándoles una Cuaresma bendecida.

El Miércoles de Ceniza marca el comienzo de la Cuaresma, un período penitencial de 40 días de ayuno, oración y caridad antes de la Pascua.

— SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald

St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School students attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Amy Burger)
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In Christ the King High School's Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word, Deacon Rich called for us to embrace this season of Penance, and to do the right things for the right reasons, because we love the Lord. (Photos via Facebook)
In Christ the King High School's Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word, Deacon Rich called for us to embrace this season of Penance, and to do the right things for the right reasons, because we love the Lord. (Photos via Facebook)
In Christ the King High School's Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word, Deacon Rich called for us to embrace this season of Penance, and to do the right things for the right reasons, because we love the Lord. (Photos via Facebook)
Bishop McGuinness High School students in Kernersville gathered for the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday Mass. (Photo via Facebook)
Bishop McGuinness High School students in Kernersville gathered for the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday Mass. (Photo via Facebook)
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in High Point held a drive through ash distribution with more than 200 cars. (Photo via Facebook)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by James Sarkis)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by James Sarkis)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. (Photos by SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)
St. Mark School kindergarten through second grade attended a Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes in the school library. Father John Putnam was the celebrant.  (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark School kindergarten through second grade attended a Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes in the school library. Father John Putnam was the celebrant. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes Services. Father Matthew Bean and Deacon Rich McCarron celebrated the 12:10 p.m. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes Services. Father Matthew Bean and Deacon Rich McCarron celebrated the 12:10 p.m. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes Services. Father Matthew Bean and Deacon Rich McCarron celebrated the 12:10 p.m. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes Services. Father Matthew Bean and Deacon Rich McCarron celebrated the 12:10 p.m. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes Services. Father Matthew Bean and Deacon Rich McCarron celebrated the 12:10 p.m. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes Services. Father Matthew Bean and Deacon Rich McCarron celebrated the 12:10 p.m. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
St. Matthew Church held Ash Wednesday ash distribution in the Marian Circle.. (Photos via Facebook)
St. Matthew Church held Ash Wednesday ash distribution in the Marian Circle.. (Photos via Facebook)
St. Matthew Church held Ash Wednesday ash distribution in the Marian Circle.. (Photos via Facebook)
St. Matthew Church held Ash Wednesday ash distribution in the Marian Circle.. (Photos via Facebook)
St. Mary Church in Grensboro offered several services and Masses for Ash Wednesday.
St. Mary Church in Grensboro offered several services and Masses for Ash Wednesday.
Celebration of Holy Mass and distribution of ashes at St John Baptiste de LaSalle Church in North Wilkesboro. (Photo courtesy Aleksandra Basanik)
Celebration of Holy Mass and distribution of ashes at St John Baptiste de LaSalle Church in North Wilkesboro. (Photo courtesy Aleksandra Basanik)
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